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Posted by Pamela on Sunday, August 21, 2011, In : Home 

I have not been home since February-- 6 months. I am feeling so homesick. I can't wait to have a flight booked and know when I will be home. I have not felt like this in a long time. Thankfully since I really hate this feeling. I miss my friends, and family a lot. Looking forward to seeing everyone. I wish it was sooner than later. 

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Thanksgiving Trip

Posted by Pamela on Friday, December 10, 2010, In : Home 
After not being home for nearly a year, I could not wait to go back home for Thanksgiving. This trip was much anticipated. I needed time out from LA and be with my family. I was home for an amazing 10 days, saw all my close friends, a good portion of my family, meet all the new babies, and spent a ton of time with my mom. I did my best to make the most of my time. Every day, every minute was valuable. I did my best to treat as such. It was a great trip. I cannot wait to go back in Februa...
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Rough Weekend

Posted by Pamela on Sunday, October 17, 2010, In : Home