I woke up today and did something I have not been ready to do. I got up without a second thought packed up Ali’s things. I put her toys, and brush in a shoe box. I put all her food in a bag to return to Target.

I felt I was ready to put things away, and start moving forward.

I was numb returning her food, and teared up after thinking  about the day she passed away. Her things are away, her food is gone, her litter will go to a new home. Life is moving on.

I spoke to my father today, and cried. I had not cried in awhile. I felt as though I was passed the crying but I guess I won’t be passed crying for awhile.

Next step on moving forward. . .picking up her ashes. I am not ready.  I am not ready to go back to the vet where she passed away. I am certainly not ready to go alone, in time.

Moving forward, one day at a time.