Introducing the newest member of our family . . . Penelope Skye!

Zoe had been lonely when we left her during the day which lead us to think we needed to get her a friend. After weeks and weeks of debating, and asking our friends with cats how do you go about transiting this, we decided to go for it. One day after brunch, headed to the West LA Animal Shetlter, where we saw a cage up front that is exactly where we got Zoe. Penelope was in a foster home, the same one who housed Zoe. It seemed like a perfect fit.

Penelope was adopted at 10 weeks, just over a pound, the tiniest thing I had ever seen.  I am happy to say, one week with us and she isn’t underweight anymore! She is really happy and adjusting well.

Zoe has been a great big sister teaching her how to clean herself. It’s so cute to see these two interact. We could not be happier with her!

Best part is Zoe isn’t as sad and lonely when we leave her anymore.